The Revelation of the Red Door
There's something profound about the colors we encounter in our lives; they hold meaning, significance, and symbolism. To encounter the Holy Spirit, I was prompted to ponder on the color that the Holy Spirit embedded within my hearts. For me, that color was red.
Childlike Wonder in Scarlet
When I pause and immerse myself into a color, with childlike wonder and awe, there's a world of revelation to discover. The red I envisioned was reminiscent of the biblical Scarlet. Scripture offers a glimpse into its importance:
Rahab's Scarlet Thread: Rahab hung a scarlet thread over her window in Jericho as a sign of her faith and the protection she and her family sought from the Israelites. (Joshua 2:18-21)
Red Blood of Passover: The Israelites in Egypt painted their doorposts with the blood of a lamb during the Passover, ensuring the Angel of Death would 'pass over' their homes. (Exodus 12:7,13)
The red I saw wasn't just a simple hue. It had depth, a certain viscosity that portrayed richness and a slow but assured movement. It made me ponder, "Why did God create this color?"
The Red Door (Acrylic)
The Essence of Red
God’s creation of man, Adam, was filled with life – a life symbolized by the blood running through our veins. It's a distinguishing mark, setting us apart from celestial beings like angels and demons. Blood in scripture has always been a symbol of life. God says, "For the life of the flesh is in the blood..." (Leviticus 17:11)
When I inquired about the thought behind this color, I was led to think of Jesus. The red represents His precious blood shed for all of humanity. It symbolizes God's immense love for us, for "greater love has no one than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends." (John 15:13)
This blood, filled with divine love, circulates within us, representing the Holy Spirit's work. It’s a picture of the unity and love that God embodies. When I listened deeply, wondering what the sound of this color might be, I heard the Hebrew word "hay," meaning the breath of God. Just as God breathed life into Adam (Genesis 2:7), this breath, this life-force, circulates through our being, both physically and spiritually.
The Red Door Painting: A Symbol of Protection
This revelation about red brought clarity to a painting I had previously created. Dominated by shades of red, the painting depicted Jesus walking on water. Though initially unclear about the choice of red, the revelation highlighted the painting's meaning. It became evident that this artwork, now named "The Red Door," symbolized protection in tumultuous times. The unstable waters beneath Jesus's feet are like the challenges we face in life. Yet, through the blood of Christ, we're continuously protected and grounded in His love, even when we might not recognize it.
In our life's turbulent moments, it’s essential to remember the protection, connection, and lifeline Jesus offers. Through His sacrifice on the cross, He’s made an eternal covenant with us, sealed in His blood.
In essence, the color red serves as a powerful reminder of God's unwavering love, the lifeline that sustains us, and the protection we have in Him. The painting symbolizes the blood and water combined in our body where the breath of God circulates our blood that gives us life.
The Red Door is the only way for me to look at life through the blood of Jesus circulating in me through difficult and pleasant times of life.